How One Man's Life Is Changing

Every time we turn on the news or go online, we hear or read of another catastrophic disaster or some complicated international crisis. It’s easy to feel at a loss for words or to struggle to continue seeking justice and peace when there seems to always be so much bad in the world. It’s easy to feel tempted to think that God is absent. But God is still moving. The Church is still sharing the hope Jesus offers. Rather than drown in the weight of all that needs to be fixed in the world, let’s celebrate the things that God is doing through the Church, spurring you and I to continue communicating the hope Jesus brings. 

Here is one story of how Jesus is bringing hope and transformation to one man and his family through FCC’s global partners, IberoAmerican Ministries (IAM). "Daran is among some of the refugee families supported monthly by IAM since the outbreak of the humanitarian crises caused by the 2014 invasion of ISIS in Iraq. Daran is a 27- year-old Yazidi refugee, originally from northern Iraq. He is married with five kids. His family and others were not fortunate to have shelter in the refugee camps, therefore, they received no supplies and assistance from the government and UN agencies. Daran has an ongoing medical condition that has left him unable to do any hard physical work to provide for his family. Before the invasion of ISIS, Daran was a shepherd and a bee farmer. Last year he started raising bees with a single box on the roof of his house. With the prospect of raising bees for economic purpose and to provide for his family, he requested assistance from IAM to setup a small bee farm. It was evident he had good knowledge of bee farming and the steps to follow to achieve his goals in the process. IAM bought him ten boxes with bees. Following this, FCC has been able to financially assist with a small gift to purchase some more supplies such as a processing machine to help further Daran’s small business startup.” (Daran’s name has been changed for privacy)


Daran’s new small business will transform his family’s life. Refugees often face religious, political, and social opposition in the new territories they settle in. While many long to return home, they don’t have the option to do so and they’re often denied the resources and tools they need to settle in their new homeland. Helping Daran start a successful small business provides dignity and purpose, hope for a better education for his children, financial stability for better living conditions, livelihood skills and work opportunities to hand down to his children, and so much more. Join us in praising God for bringing hope and healing to displaced people groups around the world and pray with us for those who’ve yet to find Jesus and the hope he offers.