Welcome to the FCC Outreach Blog
We want to demonstrate God’s love by using our skills, hobbies, and resources to make a positive impact on others locally and globally. Below, you’ll find stories that celebrate that purpose and you’ll also find stories that challenge us all to live this out in practical ways.
Victoria Wilson, FCC Outreach Associate, shares an encouraging reminder of the ways we can continue showing love to those around us even in this challenging season.
Ever wondered what it takes to be a long-term cross-cultural missionary? Find out here.
Community is a sort of buzz word right now. Everyone is talking about it and everyone wants to find it. This is your next step toward community.
Here are the stories of men who continue to brave an unending darkness.
Sunday, May 5, began the most important 4 weeks of the entire year for Muslims, here and around the world. It’s called Ramadan and it impacts you and me.
In a country where we hear a lot about how the church is struggling, we want to be the answer to something better.
The church is largely known for all the things it’s against. We want to be for our neighbors. Here’s how we took a practical step toward loving our community.
Shemah Tours is inviting surfers and adventure seekers to go on a short term trip to share Jesus by using their love of surfing and travel tourism.
Daran is among some of the refugee families supported monthly by IAM since the outbreak of the humanitarian crises caused by the 2014 invasion of ISIS in Iraq. Daran is a 27- year-old Yazidi refugee, originally from northern Iraq. This is the story of how Daran’s life is changing through a simple gift.
We have made prayer over complicated and it has, for many of us, become a barrier to experiencing God in our lives. Let’s learn to begin to pray again.
Have you ever wondered what your life purpose is? Maybe you’ve asked, “what does God want me to do with my life?” We have the answer!
What is the actual long-term impact of a short-term outreach trip?